There are two main causes for short cycling: thermostat problems and damaged compressors. Thermostat problems are commonly caused either by short circuits in the wiring between the unit and the air conditioner or by malfunctioning temperature sensors. Both can lead to short cycling, as they send conflicting signals to the air conditioner
The second common cause of short cycling is a damaged compressor. The compressor is a gas pump, designed to circulate refrigerant through the system. If this pump comes into contact with liquid refrigerant instead of gaseous refrigerant, it can break from the hydraulic pressure that is created. This will cause the compressor to malfunction, which throws off the rhythm of the entire air conditioner.
Preventing Damage
It’s very hard to predict when short cycling might occur in a system. Instead, you should be vigilant and try to have it repaired as soon as you notice it happening. This will be key to preserving the health of your air conditioner.