Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Is Your Furnace Ready for the Holidays?

Monday, November 13th, 2023

The holiday season is upon us. That means there is increasing pressure for your heater to keep your home comfortable as you host family gatherings and other events. If your furnace is up and age or has been experiencing any problems, it may be time to schedule repairs or make an appointment for a heater replacement ahead of the winter season.

And when you need furnace repair or furnace replacement in Puyallup, WA, our team is here to help. You can also keep reading to learn more about the signs that your heater may need some TLC, and the sooner the better. Scheduling an appointment with our team is a great way to have peace of mind through the holiday season that your heater is ready to keep your home warm and comfortable.

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5 Spooky Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

Monday, October 16th, 2023

Unusual sounds coming from your heater are almost always bad news. In fact, they are an early warning sign that something is beginning to go wrong with your heater. When you address the problems sooner rather than later, you can stay ahead of a furnace breakdown and more serious problems.

In fact, paying attention to the sounds and scheduling service for your furnace right away is the best way to prevent needing a complete furnace replacement in Federal Way, WA. You can keep reading to learn more about five scary sounds that your furnace might make, and what could be going wrong.

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Heat Pump or Central Furnace for PNW Homes?

Monday, October 2nd, 2023
Winter, warm, Heat, Temperature, coffee, tea, blanket, Young beautiful woman sitting home in the chair by the window with cup of hot coffee wearing knitted warm sweater. Cozy room decorated with lanterns and candles.

When it’s time to replace the heating system in your home, you have a variety of options, and choosing the right heater is a big deal. It’s practically heating season all year round here in the Pacific Northwest!

Two big options are either a heat pump or a central furnace. If you are deciding between these two heating systems, you may be wondering which one is best for your family and home needs.

We are here to help you with heating installation in Auburn, WA. Our team is the experts in the area and we can offer you our professional advice on which heating system is better. Keep in mind that neither option is considered best over the other. Instead, it depends on your individual needs. You can keep reading to learn more about when it might be right to choose a heat pump or a central furnace.

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Essential Fall Furnace Maintenance Tasks

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Before you turn your heater on, you have some fall maintenance tasks to complete. In fact, it’s a good idea to complete these tasks continually throughout the fall and winter season in order to keep your furnace in the best shape possible.

And if you do notice anything out of the ordinary during your regular maintenance steps, you can give our team a call for furnace repair and Puyallup, WA. Keep reading to learn more about the maintenance steps that can benefit your furnace this year and every year in the future.

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Can Your Thermostat Be Repaired or Does it Have to Be Replaced?

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Many homeowners don’t realize how vital the thermostat’s role is in heating and cooling. Your thermostat essentially measures the temperature in your home and then tells your heater and air conditioner when to turn on and off, and what temperature to reach. But sometimes your thermostat can have problems and impact how well your HVAC system works. 

You may think you’re having heating or cooling problems, but you’re really having problems with your thermostat. When this happens, you need thermostat repair in Federal Way, WA. You can keep reading to learn more about thermostat problems and whether you can make repairs or need to replace the entire thermostat. 

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How Long Does it Take to Install a New Heater?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

If you’re thinking about a heater upgrade for your home before next winter, it’s a good idea to understand the process. You may not have to do the work for a heater installation, but you do have to allow for the time, and it’s important to have reasonable expectations. Some installations take longer, while other installations are faster. 

There are a lot of factors that go into how long it takes to install a new heater, and we’re reviewing them all below. If you’re interested in heater installation in Auburn, WA, our team can help. We know it’s not about how fast the installation is, but the quality of work that happens during the installation.

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Heater Repairs or Replacement? This is How to Find Out

Monday, February 6th, 2023

You can usually expect your heater to last 15-20 years. If you keep up with maintenance, your heater could even last for closer to 30 years. But there comes a point where repair bills start adding up and you need to think about replacing the unit completely. But how do you know when the time is right?

You want your heater to last as long as possible, but you also have to balance that out with energy efficiency and effectiveness. If you think that you need heater repair in Puyallup, WA, our team is here to help. We can help you weigh the pros and cons of repair versus replacement and make the right decision for you and your family. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about heater repairs and heater replacement.

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Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Furnace

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Furnaces are very sturdy and reliable systems which is why many homeowners invest in this particular type of heater. They can last 15 years and some might even last longer. But once you hit the 15-year mark, it’s time to pay closer attention to how your furnace is operating so you can identify the signs for when it’s time to upgrade your furnace. 

When you understand the signs that your furnace’s performance isn’t quite up to snuff, it’s easier for us to stay ahead of any repairs or system breakdowns. Then, when it’s time for furnace replacement in Federal Way, WA, you know who to call. Our team can answer your questions and get your furnace replaced quickly and efficiently when the time comes.

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If These Sounds Are Coming from Your Heater, Call Us!

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Have you ever heard a loud or unusual sound and thought to yourself that it can’t possibly be your heater making that noise? Unfortunately, many homeowners deal with unusual sounds coming from their heaters in the wintertime. But these unusual sounds can be a sign that something is wrong with your system.

If you hear something loud or surprising coming from your heating system, then you need a heating repair in Auburn, WA. Our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the sounds that your heater should not make, so you know when to give us a call.

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Should You Choose Radiant Heating?

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Radiant heat is a great option for heating homes, although it is not as popular as forced air system alternatives. Many homeowners just replace their old heaters with a new version of the same system instead of researching all of their heating options.

But hydronic heating in Federal Way, WA is gaining traction quickly because of the many benefits. The thing about heating is that there is no one best option that fits everyone’s needs. Each home and family is different. Even if a forced air system has been working for you just fine, a radiant heat system may work better.  

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