Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Schedule This Important Heating Service Now!

Monday, November 28th, 2022

You’ve likely already turned your heater on this season, and your reliance on it only increases as the temperatures drop even more. Winter is almost here, and you want to make sure that your heater is working at its best all season long. 

Even if you take care of your heater all season long, heating maintenance still offers a variety of benefits. Scheduling heater maintenance annually is a great investment in the life of your heater. But even if you haven’t scheduled heater maintenance in the past, you can start now. This is the best way to prevent surprise furnace repairs in Auburn, WA

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Electric Furnaces vs. Heat Pumps: Which Should You Have Installed?

Monday, November 14th, 2022

If you need a new heater in your home this winter, you may be shopping around for the best type of heater to fit your needs. Among your options are electric furnaces and heat pumps. Both are very popular choices for homeowners when it comes to heating a home. 

But what are the differences between electric furnaces and heat pumps? What type of system should you have installed? The answer is that it depends on your wants and needs. Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of electric furnaces and heat pumps. Then, when you’re ready for an HVAC installation in Puyallup, WA, give our team a call. 

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All About Radiant Heaters

Monday, September 19th, 2022

hvac-vent-low-on-wallIt is no surprise that it gets cold here in Washington – really cold. Winter is just around the corner and you’ll be turning your heater on soon if you haven’t already. And if you’re hoping to stay comfortable this winter, you need a heating system that is designed to withstand the frigid temperatures we can expect. 

While each different type of heater has its own pros and cons, radiant heaters have benefits that are really difficult to match or beat. With that being said, radiant heaters are difficult to install and they aren’t right for every home. But if you’ve heard of radiant heaters and they piqued your interest, give us a call. We’re the experts in hydronics for Puyallup, WA

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Watch For These Common End-of-Season Furnace Repair Needs

Monday, April 18th, 2022

hand-writing-in-day-plannerSpring has officially sprung and we all know what that means – warmer temperatures are ahead. It’s something lots of people have been looking forward to, having waited out the cold winter months for this much more tolerable climate. It’s also something that marks an important time for your furnace, as it gears down from this season’s hard work. While the end of cold temperatures can sometimes feel like the end of needing to pay attention to your heating system, it’s not. 

Lots of problems can develop over a season’s use, and it’s essential to pay attention to your furnace’s repair needs before shifting focus for the rest of the year.

The following are some common end-of-season problems that you should keep an eye out for and have repaired as soon as possible.

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“Should I Replace My Furnace With A Ductless System?”

Monday, April 4th, 2022

hand-holding-remote-in-front-of-ductless-wall-air-handlerHVAC systems come in many formats and variations, and a common question among homeowners is which is right for them. One of the biggest considerations that are made in this regard is between the features of traditional systems and ductless units.  

Ductless systems have exploded in popularity over the past several years for a variety of reasons, and there’s a lot of speculation out there as to whether or not ductless units are really worth it.

Because it’s important to know what they offer before making a decision on what’s right for your home, we’ve compiled a breakdown of some of the most notable perks of ductless systems.

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Are You Using Your Heater Efficiently?

Monday, March 7th, 2022

tech-working-on-furnaceAs a homeowner, it’s only natural to want to keep your space in the best condition possible while being mindful of your expenses. For many, comfort and affordability go hand in hand as it relates to their heating system, with both being important to their prosperity and quality of life. In this way, the notion of efficiency is a major topic in the world of heating, valued for its capacity to deliver optimization of both needs.

In the following, we’ll review some of the best ways you can boost your home’s heating efficiency.

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Which is Better: An Electric or Gas Furnace?

Monday, February 21st, 2022

question-markPreviously, we talked about the signs that will indicate it’s time to upgrade your furnace. This week, we explore the options you can consider for a furnace upgrade. 

You’ll have to consider multiple things when purchasing a new furnace for your home. Purchasing an inefficient system could lead to higher bills and frequent furnace repairs. 

The fuel source you choose to use should always align with your specific needs. In most instances, you’ll have a choice between an electric and a gas furnace. The furnace’s cost, durability, and effectiveness will all influence your decision. 

Not sure how to make your choice? Here’s what you’ll need to make an informed decision!

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Signs That It’s Time for a Furnace Upgrade

Monday, February 7th, 2022

technician-servicing-furnaceNot sure if it’s time to replace your furnace? Purchasing a furnace is a considerable investment and buying a good quality unit is worth every buck. However, regardless of how good your furnace is, there comes a time when you have to replace it. 

Before your furnace breaks down completely, it gives you plenty of signs that it requires an upgrade. Spotting these signs early enough gives you the time to have your furnace replaced on time to avoid chilly nights or even worse. Here are the signs that you need a furnace replacement in Tacoma, WA:

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Why You Need to Change Your Furnace Air Filter

Monday, January 24th, 2022

hands-changing-air-filterOne of the crucial things in furnace maintenance is changing the air filters. If you haven’t done so in a long while, you might want to check it now. Most of the time, when a furnace is on, any slight changes in its overall performance are easily noticeable.

These changes can result in less comfortable air or lower performance output due to a defective filter. Since it is crucial to the comfort of your home, you should change your furnace air filter should at least after a month or two. Here’s why!

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Heed These Signs You Need Heating Repair

Monday, December 27th, 2021

checklist-with-red-markerNobody likes to repair their heating system. It is especially annoying if it comes as a surprise. There are usually warning signs before a heating system stops working, which we’ll cover below. Keeping on top of the health of your heating system will prevent you from being caught with a broken system when you need it most.

When you do need heating repair in Kent, WA the team at Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. will fix the problem.

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