Generally speaking, gas furnaces are not inherently dangerous. This is an important fact to clear up right away—we don’t want you to feel panic just because you use a furnace for your home heating. Like any other powerful appliance that creates combustion gases, however, a furnace can potentially create health hazards if not maintained regularly and if Puyallup, WA furnace repairs are taken care of right away. If you stay on top of these repairs, you’ll have few worries.
So when can neglecting repairs actually be dangerous? When you ignore the need to fix cracked heat exchangers. This is most likely to happen with an older furnace—we’re talking about 15+ years. This is why we recommend looking into a replacement as soon as you know a furnace is approaching the end of its lifespan. It’s also why we strongly recommend staying on top of your annual maintenance appointments. Tune-ups will help you catch any furnace problems early so you can arrange for repairs or a replacement right away without risking your safety by neglecting repair needs.