Don’t Ignore These 4 Heater Sounds

April 5th, 2021

women-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenYou turn your heater on, after a long season of hard work. You wait for that familiar whir sound of the fans… but then you hear something else. Maybe it’s a rattling sound or banging.

The fact is, if you hear anything outside of the normal noises of heater operation, it’s time to give us a call. Of course, strange heater symptoms are a lot less likely if you had your system properly maintained in the fall. During maintenance, our technicians thoroughly inspect, adjust, and clean the components that need it to make sure that the system works as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Let’s say you do hear some unusual noises from your system, what should you do? Well, call us! But what unusual noises are we talking about? Here are 4 in particular.

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Are You in Need of Furnace Repair?

March 29th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceFurnace systems are very complex. When dealing with an important appliance like this, you’ll need to be one of two things—a trained and licensed HVAC professional or a vigilant homeowner with the phone number of a trained and licensed HVAC professional!

This because without the right training and expertise, your efforts to service your furnace could lead to property damage, further repair needs, and even injury. Fortunately, we are here to help! Remember, the best way to prevent furnace repair needs is with maintenance. Maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it, ensuring that your furnace operates as well as it should for as long as it should.

But even with maintenance, you still might need a surprise repair here or there. How do you know when it’s time?

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Heed These Signs Your Boiler Needs Repair

March 8th, 2021

boiler-pressure-gauge A heating system of any kind can only be as effective and efficient as it is meant to be if it is taken care of as it should be. Your boiler is no exception! Boilers should be professionally installed, repaired, and maintained by experienced and professional technicians in order for them to operate as they should.

It’s also important to remember that even with high-quality installation, maintenance, etc, there is still the chance that something will eventually go wrong that will require repairs. Eventually your boiler will wear down to the point that it even needs to be replaced. But do you know how to spot the signs that your boiler is struggling?

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Is an Electric Furnace More Efficient Than a Gas Furnace?

February 22nd, 2021

animated-house-with-money-symbols-coming-out-of-chimneyThe short answer to this is, “not necessarily,” but bear with us as we explain!

We get questions about furnace efficiency a lot when homeowners are shopping for a new heating system. They’re often overwhelmed by all the options and unsure of what to go with.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider with your heater purchase is the efficiency. After all, you want to be as comfortable as possible, as affordably as possible, right?

Read on as we uncover what’s the most efficient when it comes to furnaces, and dive into whether electric or gas is a better option for you.

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Signs Your Furnace Is About to Fail

February 8th, 2021

woman-huddled-in-blanket-on-couch-looking-coldCommitting to the decision that it’s time to replace your furnace is never fun, but it can certainly be necessary. Unfortunately, heating systems don’t last forever. They succumb to wear and tear, and eventually break down. In the case of gas-powered furnaces, they can even become dangerous as they age if they’re not properly maintained and inspected. This isn’t to say gas furnaces are inherently dangerous, just that it’s important to be aware that they can be.

Let’s say you’re wondering if it’s time to upgrade your furnace, but still, have some hesitation. What do you need to know in order to make the decision? Read on as we uncover some of the top signs your furnace may fail soon—which will make the replacement decision for you!

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Addressing Uneven Heating—What’s Wrong with Your Furnace?

January 25th, 2021

woman-huddled-in-blanket-drinking-out-of-mugWe’re about midway through winter, how’s your furnace been holding up?

Have you noticed that something is not quite right? Hopefully, you had your system professionally tuned-up in the fall. Professional maintenance ensures that your system works as effectively and efficiently as possible for as long as possible.

But what if even though you had maintenance done, you notice that some rooms feel cooler than they should. What is this uneven heating about? There are a number of potential culprits. Read on to learn what they may be!

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3 Reasons You Need a Pro for Your Furnace Installation

January 11th, 2021

technician-working-on-furnaceLook, we get how tempting it is when you need a new heating system to install it yourself. After all, this will help you save money, right?

But unless we’re talking about a space heater that just plugs into an outlet in the wall, we really need to advise against self-installation.

The problem with trying to attempt installation on your own is that there are a number of intricate steps involved with this service, and if any of those steps are missed or are done too hastily it can lead to problems like gas line damage or torn ductwork, among other issues that could lead to premature system breakdown. Essentially, furnace systems are very complex pieces of equipment that require trained and experienced hands to manage.

Of course, if you’re in the process of shopping for a furnace right now, chances are there is quite a bit of urgency involved. But please don’t rush. Give our number a call to schedule a furnace installation, and read on to learn 3 reasons why you should trust the pros:

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Why You Should Only Trust a Pro for Your Furnace Installation

December 28th, 2020

furnace-jetsHas the time finally come for you to accept that your old furnace just isn’t what it used to be? Perhaps it’s time for you to upgrade to a newer and higher-efficiency system. Furnace installation is a big job, and one that requires experienced and knowledgeable technicians to handle.

Homeowners often don’t realize this, but a proper furnace installation starts before we actually put the furnace in. We can assist with the important tasks of selecting the right heater for your specific needs, and ensuring it is sized correctly as well.

The fact of the matter is, a lot of work goes into a furnace installation, and messing up this job could leave you with an inefficient, ineffective system. Read on as we explore just why it’s so important to only trust a trained and experienced professional for your furnace installation.

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Here’s How to Boost Your Heating Efficiency

December 14th, 2020

house-and-money-symbols-on-opposite-ends-of-seesawIf you’re reading this blog post at the time of its publishing, it means you’ve had quite the year—we’ve all had quite the year! With enough to worry about on your plate, it’s easy to forget about a very important home comfort system you’ll be needing 24/7 very soon—your heater.

Hopefully, you’ve already had yours professionally maintained! Professional maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components within your heater. Without this diligent care, you can expect your heater to have more repairs and a shortened lifespan. You can also expect it to perform inefficiently, costing you more to use it from month-to-month.

Even with maintenance though, many homeowners wonder if there is any way to lower their heating bills. We get it! The good news, there is. Read on as we uncover some of the best ways to boost your heating efficiency and subsequently lower your heating bills this year.

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Is It Time for a Furnace Upgrade?

November 30th, 2020

animated-house-with-money-symbols-coming-out-of-chimneyThere is one unfortunate fact about furnace systems—they don’t last forever. But how do you know when it’s time to upgrade yours? We know that for the average homeowner, this can be a tough decision, especially if it’s not entirely in your budget to do right away.

But waiting too long to take action can leave you with an inefficient furnace, which is going to cost you way more to run than its worth. It may also develop safety hazards due to age. Our team is here to help! Whether you’re unsure if it’s time or you’re ready to take the leap and buy a new system today, all you need to do is give us a call.

In the meantime, read on as we uncover some of the leading signs that your furnace is in disrepair and it is, in fact, time for an upgrade.

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