It’s That Time Again: Schedule Your AC Tune-Up Today

May 6th, 2019

outdoor-ac-unit-with-tools-on-topIn the absence of a complete, irreparable breakdown, there’s never a bad time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner. There is certainly an ideal time, however.

Still though, many homeowners are resistant to scheduling air conditioning tune-ups at all, seeing them as an unnecessary waste of their money. But what’s actually an unnecessary waste of money is paying more than you should each month for an air conditioner that isn’t working as efficiently as it is designed to. And what can you do about this? You can start by trusting our pros to handle this very important service for your HVAC in Tacoma, WA.

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Avoid Breakdowns Next Year by Taking Care of Furnace Repairs This Year!

April 22nd, 2019

technician-looking-over-furnaceSpring may officially be here, but colder temps are hanging around. Sure, soon we’ll be able to turn our attention to our air conditioners—if you haven’t already now is a great time to schedule maintenance—but that doesn’t mean our furnaces aren’t done doing their part.

Your furnace has already put in months of hard work. During this final stretch of cooler weather is when it’s most likely to suffer from a malfunction, or possibly a full breakdown, if it’s not properly cared for. If you had maintenance done before winter began, then you’re probably in good shape. But what if you had a need for heating repair in Puyallup, WA that you didn’t take care of? Should you schedule repairs now, even though you won’t need your furnace again ‘til next fall?

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Signs Your Furnace Wants to Call It Quits

April 8th, 2019

furnace-being-worked-onSpring is upon us, temperatures are warming, and you’re likely about ready to turn off your furnace for the season. Hopefully, your furnace provided you with powerful heating and reliable performance all winter long. But like any other type of complex appliance, a furnace can malfunction and require attention from trained professionals.

We offer exceptional furnace service in Tacoma, WA to ensure you get your furnace back on track. However, in order to contact our team for furnace repairs, you first need to know that those furnace repair needs exist. After all, some heating problems can be hard to spot at first—things like damaged ductwork or insufficient insulation. We want to help you detect furnace problems as early as possible so you’re not stuck with an unbearably cold home when fall circles back around at the end of the year.

So what should you watch, and listen, for?

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Springtime Means it’s Time for a Tune-Up!

March 25th, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditioning-unitTemperatures are generally pretty cool in our area. You don’t usually have to worry about a huge heat wave coming through this time of the year. Yet, now is definitely a great time to begin thinking about your air conditioning system. More specifically, you should be thinking about scheduling your next AC maintenance appointment.

The last thing you want to do is get to the middle of summer and be stuck with a malfunctioning cooling system because you skipped maintenance. Not only is this inconvenient for you already, and uncomfortable, but you’re less likely to be able to get an HVAC technician to come to your home quickly as they’re more likely to be out on repair calls this time of the year.

There’s no time like the present to schedule your next tune-up, but what will this do for your system?

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Can a Heater Hurt Your Indoor Air Quality?

March 18th, 2019

technician-working-on-heaterWith some cold temperatures ahead before the official start of spring brings warmer weather, we’re still using our home heating systems on a pretty regular basis. Some homeowners try to use theirs less and less this time of the year, even if they’re cold, because they think it hurts their indoor air quality.

There’s a misconception that heaters hurt indoor air quality by drying out the air. Dry air is certainly bothersome, but please don’t stop using your heater! Instead, look into the right indoor air quality systems in Tacoma, WA.

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Do You Need a Whole-Home Humidifier?

February 25th, 2019

humidifier-on-floor-of-homeWe know what you might be thinking—“A humidifier? In Tacoma? But it rains here all the time!” This is true—for the majority of the year Tacoma residents can experience a bit too much moisture. However, as spring begins, the air dries out to the point that you could very well find yourself experiencing the effects of dry air. This is particularly true indoors—where the air quality is even worse than that of outdoors, thanks to the tight, energy-efficient construction of homes today.

If you’ve never considered this indoor air quality installation, now is a great time, while humidity levels are fairly balanced. Why do we recommend a whole-home humidifier instead of a portable system? Well, simply put, a portable system cannot truly tackle the problem of dry air. At best, it’s great for a child’s bedroom to alleviate cold or allergy symptoms they may be experiencing.

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Yes, Delaying Furnace Repairs Can Be Dangerous

February 11th, 2019

technician-servicing-furnaceFurnace heating systems are not inherently dangerous, however concerns about the safety of natural gas appliances are common, and ignoring the risk wouldn’t be responsible of us.

First off though, it’s important for us to mention that gas furnaces are the most common type of heating system found throughout the country, and it’s for good reason. They do not have a bad safety record. If they did, they wouldn’t be installed in so many living spaces. The manufacturers of gas-powered heaters are required to design the systems with numerous safety features that meet all sorts of codes. Look for an ENERGY STAR label on your furnace; this notes not only that you have a high efficiency furnace, but one that meets safety standards as well.

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“Why Does My Home Have Cold Spots?”

January 28th, 2019

cold-man-standing-by-thermostatWinter isn’t a particularly comfortable time of the year for many homeowners in our area–at least, not without a fully functional and efficiently operating heater. If you detect cold spots in your home, for example, it means something is amiss with your heating system. While this isn’t necessarily an emergency, it is a nuisance, and is probably contributing to wasted energy—and subsequent higher energy bills.

If you do notice cold spots, you likely noticed hot spots during the summer, which is a bit more common of a complaint. Homeowners usually blast their AC systems and feel more comfortable, but still notice a room or two that is warmer than the rest of the house. Sound familiar? Read on! We’ve gone into details below about how these form, what sort of problem they cause, and what you can do about them.

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Is It Too Late to Prevent Heating Repairs?

January 14th, 2019

Technician looking over a gas furnace with a flashlight before cleaning it.Just like that, and it’s already the new year. That means we’re right in the middle of winter. We sure hope your heater has served you well so far this season, and that it’s operating as efficiently as it can be, saving you money on your energy bills.

Of course, this is more likely if you had your system maintained before winter began. What’s that? You didn’t? Hey, don’t worry—we have some good news. It’s not too late! It’s actually much more important that you have maintenance done routinely than it is you have it done before winter starts (although of course, it’s typically more convenient for scheduling when you do it in fall).

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“Why Are There Cold Spots in My House?”

December 31st, 2018

vent on wall near floorWhen you’re trying to comfortably make it through winter, there is not much that’s more frustrating than cold spots throughout your home. While it doesn’t necessarily warrant emergency heating services in Tacoma, WA, it is a nuisance. Additionally, it’s a sign that your heater isn’t working as efficiently as possible, which means you’re paying for energy you’re not benefiting from.

If you’re noticing cold spots this winter, you might have noticed hot spots in your home during the summer—this is actually more common. Homeowners often blast their AC system and feel substantially more comfortable, but then notice that a room or two are much warmer than the rest of the house, and/or warmer than they should be.

If this sounds like something you’ve deal with, read on! We go into depth below about how these spots form, the problem with them, and what to do about it.

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