Should You Choose Radiant Heating?

December 12th, 2022

Radiant heat is a great option for heating homes, although it is not as popular as forced air system alternatives. Many homeowners just replace their old heaters with a new version of the same system instead of researching all of their heating options.

But hydronic heating in Federal Way, WA is gaining traction quickly because of the many benefits. The thing about heating is that there is no one best option that fits everyone’s needs. Each home and family is different. Even if a forced air system has been working for you just fine, a radiant heat system may work better.  

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Schedule This Important Heating Service Now!

November 28th, 2022

You’ve likely already turned your heater on this season, and your reliance on it only increases as the temperatures drop even more. Winter is almost here, and you want to make sure that your heater is working at its best all season long. 

Even if you take care of your heater all season long, heating maintenance still offers a variety of benefits. Scheduling heater maintenance annually is a great investment in the life of your heater. But even if you haven’t scheduled heater maintenance in the past, you can start now. This is the best way to prevent surprise furnace repairs in Auburn, WA

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Electric Furnaces vs. Heat Pumps: Which Should You Have Installed?

November 14th, 2022

If you need a new heater in your home this winter, you may be shopping around for the best type of heater to fit your needs. Among your options are electric furnaces and heat pumps. Both are very popular choices for homeowners when it comes to heating a home. 

But what are the differences between electric furnaces and heat pumps? What type of system should you have installed? The answer is that it depends on your wants and needs. Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons of electric furnaces and heat pumps. Then, when you’re ready for an HVAC installation in Puyallup, WA, give our team a call. 

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What It Means When Your Heat Pump Won’t Switch Modes

October 17th, 2022

technician-working-on-furnaceFall is in full swing and temperatures are enjoyable and cool. But with winter just around the corner, temperatures will soon be dropping even more. You need your heater or furnace to work right every day around the clock so that your home and family are comfortably warm. But it’s not uncommon for homeowners to switch their heat pump from cooling to heating only to find out that their heat pump won’t switch modes. 

What happens then? A broken heat pump is the last thing you want to deal with, but it’s a possibility. Remember that skipping regular heat pump maintenance can increase the chances that your heat pump won’t switch modes from cooling to heating – and it’s not too late to schedule maintenance for this season. If your heat pump won’t switch modes, give us a call for heat pump repair and our team can get your heat pump working again.

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Improving Your Indoor Air Quality in Winter

October 3rd, 2022

woman-huddled-in-blanket-drinking-out-of-mugYou want to have great indoor air quality all year long. It’s important to know that your indoor air quality during the winter has its own challenges that are different from the warmer months. When it’s cold outside, you tend to keep your home closed up for longer to prevent the cool air from getting in. This means that you have less ventilation and opportunity for fresh air to get in.

Contaminants like bacteria, mold, and viruses can fester and spread through your home, recirculating each day. The air in your home can also get dry and feel even colder with less humidity in the air. If you’re concerned with your home’s air filtration in Tacoma, WA, our team can help. Learn more about improving your indoor air quality in the winter, and then give us a call to help you reach your indoor air quality goals. 

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All About Radiant Heaters

September 19th, 2022

hvac-vent-low-on-wallIt is no surprise that it gets cold here in Washington – really cold. Winter is just around the corner and you’ll be turning your heater on soon if you haven’t already. And if you’re hoping to stay comfortable this winter, you need a heating system that is designed to withstand the frigid temperatures we can expect. 

While each different type of heater has its own pros and cons, radiant heaters have benefits that are really difficult to match or beat. With that being said, radiant heaters are difficult to install and they aren’t right for every home. But if you’ve heard of radiant heaters and they piqued your interest, give us a call. We’re the experts in hydronics for Puyallup, WA

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Why You Should Choose a Whole-House Air Purifier

September 5th, 2022

hands-changing-air-filterWhen you’re outdoors, you don’t know what you’re breathing in. Pollen, mold spores, and other contaminants are everywhere. Of course, outside there are trees oxygenating the air, but those trees can’t filter out harmful contaminants. Your air conditioner works similarly inside. It cools your air and filters out larger particles of dust and dirt. But that same pollen and mold that is outside may also be inside your home cycling through your AC system. 

Your AC unit can’t filter out such small contaminants. But that doesn’t mean you have to be left breathing in air that could make you sick or aggravate your allergies. Our team installs whole-home air purifiers in Puyallup, WA. But how do you know if you need a whole-house air purifier? 

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Should You Go Solar This Year?

August 22nd, 2022

pole-mounted-solar-panelSolar energy has seen increasing popularity with homeowners in the past several years. It may have crossed your mind without you giving it a second thought. Or maybe it has been heavy on your mind and you just don’t know if the time is right. The good news is that there’s no better time than now to invest in solar energy. 

If you need the encouragement to take the leap, we can offer it to you. Our solar services include solar repair in Tacoma, WA, so we can walk with you every step of the way through your solar journey – even offering services after your initial investment. After all, installing solar panels isn’t a one-and-done project. You have to learn how to maximize your investment and care for your panels. 

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What Is AC Tonnage and Why Does It Matter

August 8th, 2022

two-techs-working-on-acAir conditioning tonnage is not a reference to the amount an air conditioner weighs. Rather, it is a measurement of the cooling power the system has. It is one way to determine how powerful the AC is at cooling down the home. Understanding this could help you to make better decisions about what to install in your home. 

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Why You Don’t Want an AC Refrigerant Leak

July 25th, 2022

insulated-refrigerant-lineBeing unable to get relief from the sweltering temperatures of summer can be hazardous to your health. One of the best ways to give your body a break from hot weather is by spending time in your air-conditioned home. Many people take a reliable HVAC unit for granted until it breaks down. 

If your unit suddenly stops producing cool air, then reaching out to a reputable Tacoma WA central AC service is a wise move. One of the first things an HVAC technician will check when a unit is unable to produce cool air is refrigerant levels. Here is some more information about AC refrigerant and why having a refrigerant leak is hazardous to your unit. 

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