Sound Heating and Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Federal Way’

5 Spooky Sounds Your Furnace Shouldn’t Make

Monday, October 16th, 2023

Unusual sounds coming from your heater are almost always bad news. In fact, they are an early warning sign that something is beginning to go wrong with your heater. When you address the problems sooner rather than later, you can stay ahead of a furnace breakdown and more serious problems.

In fact, paying attention to the sounds and scheduling service for your furnace right away is the best way to prevent needing a complete furnace replacement in Federal Way, WA. You can keep reading to learn more about five scary sounds that your furnace might make, and what could be going wrong.

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Can An Air Purifier Help With Mold In My PNW Home?

Monday, September 4th, 2023

Mold is a concern no matter where you live. Anywhere in the country, including here in the Pacific Northwest, and even whether you have an older or newer home. Mold does not discriminate. You want to be prepared to prevent mold from ever happening but also address it when it does. 

One of the best ways to prevent mold is to invest in air purifiers in Federal Way, WA. Wondering how an air purifier can help with mold? Our team is here to help. You can keep reading to learn more about how mold growth happens, and why an air purifier may be your best defense against it. 

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Why You Can Rely on a Central Air Conditioner

Monday, July 24th, 2023

If it’s time to upgrade your current air conditioner to a newer model, you may be considering all of the different options you have. Technology has grown so much that homeowners now have a wide variety of cooling options for their home.

But a central air conditioner is still the gold standard when it comes to residential cooling. When you’re ready for central air installation in Federal Way, WA, our team can help. 

In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a central air conditioner and why it’s such a reliable system. You may be tempted to switch to a completely different type of air conditioner, but we caution you against making a switch just because you want something different. Instead, give our team a call and let us complete an in-home assessment to help you choose the best air conditioner based on your unique home and individual needs.

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How Maintenance Can Help Avoid Heat Pump Repair

Monday, June 12th, 2023

If you have a heat pump system in your home, then you know how beneficial the unit is. You have all-in-one heating and cooling without having to have a separate heater and air conditioner in your home. You simply flip a switch and the system moves effortlessly between the two settings.

But you still need to keep up with maintenance on your heat pump in order for it to maintain that effortless level of functionality that you enjoy. If you need to schedule maintenance or heat pump repair in Federal Way, WA, our team is here to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the ways that heat pump maintenance can help you avoid repairs in the future.

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Can Your Thermostat Be Repaired or Does it Have to Be Replaced?

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Many homeowners don’t realize how vital the thermostat’s role is in heating and cooling. Your thermostat essentially measures the temperature in your home and then tells your heater and air conditioner when to turn on and off, and what temperature to reach. But sometimes your thermostat can have problems and impact how well your HVAC system works. 

You may think you’re having heating or cooling problems, but you’re really having problems with your thermostat. When this happens, you need thermostat repair in Federal Way, WA. You can keep reading to learn more about thermostat problems and whether you can make repairs or need to replace the entire thermostat. 

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Critical Differences Between ERV and HRV Air Exchange Systems

Monday, March 6th, 2023

If you want to improve your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ), there are a variety of ways to do that. Two popular choices include heat recovery ventilators, or HRVs, and energy recovery ventilators, or ERVs. The two systems work so similarly that many homeowners don’t even know the difference. Some people think that the two terms are interchangeable for the same type of system. 

While they do have a lot of things in common, HRVs and ERVs are also very different. If you want to learn about ERV vs HRV systems in Federal Way, WA, our team can help. In fact, we are the local experts. Keep reading to learn about the key differences between these two types of air exchange systems. 

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Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Furnace

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Furnaces are very sturdy and reliable systems which is why many homeowners invest in this particular type of heater. They can last 15 years and some might even last longer. But once you hit the 15-year mark, it’s time to pay closer attention to how your furnace is operating so you can identify the signs for when it’s time to upgrade your furnace. 

When you understand the signs that your furnace’s performance isn’t quite up to snuff, it’s easier for us to stay ahead of any repairs or system breakdowns. Then, when it’s time for furnace replacement in Federal Way, WA, you know who to call. Our team can answer your questions and get your furnace replaced quickly and efficiently when the time comes.

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Should You Choose Radiant Heating?

Monday, December 12th, 2022

Radiant heat is a great option for heating homes, although it is not as popular as forced air system alternatives. Many homeowners just replace their old heaters with a new version of the same system instead of researching all of their heating options.

But hydronic heating in Federal Way, WA is gaining traction quickly because of the many benefits. The thing about heating is that there is no one best option that fits everyone’s needs. Each home and family is different. Even if a forced air system has been working for you just fine, a radiant heat system may work better.  

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Des Moines Heating Tip: What to Expect in a Low, Medium or High Efficiency Furnace

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

When buying a new furnace in Des Moines, you have many options. You can purchase a low end model to save money up front and you’ll still get exceptional fuel efficiency, but as you go up the scale, more innovative, money saving features become available. Here is a brief look at what you can expect based on which type of furnace you purchase.

Low Efficiency Furnace

This is a bit of a misnomer as even entry level furnaces have efficiency ratings of at least 80%. For comparison, if you’re still using an old gravity furnace, your efficiency rating could be lower than 50%. Modern furnaces are built to conserve, and while you won’t receive all of the bells and whistles that tend to accompany high efficiency models, you will get a durable, affordable furnace that will last for 10-20 years.

Medium Efficiency Furnaces

Furnaces in the mid-efficiency range have AFUE ratings of between 85% and 92% and are therefore significantly better than those in the entry level range. They also have some of the higher end features available in high efficiency models like programmability and the option for zone control. Because they are still mid-range, they are affordable without skimping too much on features too – a must for any homeowner wanting to save money on both ends.

High Efficiency Furnaces

The highest efficiency furnaces on the market are very different from those you would have purchased even just 10 years ago. Top end furnaces can carry AFUE ratings of up to 95% with a boat load of added features to conserve energy. These features include two stage gas valves so you can maintain a low BTU heating system for most of the year but crank up the heat when the temperature outside drops too low. They are also programmable, which allows you to easily change the temperature settings, fan speed and more from anywhere in the house.

And while they cost more to install, high efficiency furnaces use less energy over their lifespan, last longer and are more environmentally friendly than any other furnaces on the market today.

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How Much Maintenance Do Solar Panels Require? A Question from Des Moines

Friday, November 18th, 2011

The most commonly cited benefits of solar panels are that they are eco-friendly and cost effective. Many resources on the subject are quick to point out that despite high upfront costs, solar panels pay for themselves over time by being durable enough to provide cheap energy for a long time. You know all this, but as a Des Moines homeowner, you also need to know what kind of maintenance is involved in a solar system. In short, after investing your cash, how much work will you put in?

The amount of maintenance required by solar panels is fairly low, as they are quite durable and the only truly vulnerable component is the glass face. There are some steps that you can take to maintain and extend the life of your solar system, though. Below are some routine maintenance tips.


There are quite a few things you can do to keep your solar panels in tip top shape. For example, you should clean your solar panels regularly with water and dish soap to remove any surface grime. There are also surface sprayers available which allow you to clean your panels effectively from the ground.

You should avoid installing panels in a location where they will attract dust, grime and bird droppings, such as near trees, branches, or other growth. Remember that your solar panels are only as good as the energy they can capture, so keeping them clean is much more than a simple cosmetic measure.


To ensure they continue to work properly, you should examine your solar panels regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean away any dirt or debris and tighten any loose connections. Should your panel become damaged in any way, for example by severe weather or blown down branches, have it repaired immediately.

If your system has a backup battery, be sure to replace the batteries as they wear down. There will be a noticeable decline in performance when this happens. Also inspect the connections on both the batteries and the inverter to ensure they are tight.

Generally speaking, solar panels themselves don’t require much maintenance. Simply keep them clean and inspect them regularly and they should last a good long while. Other components, such as backup batteries or generators, inverters, and additional arrays will require extra maintenance as well. For the most part, installing a solar system will not add much to your usual household maintenance tasks.

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