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Air Conditioning

ac systems

September 9, 2019

Late Season Ac Repair Signs Dont Ignore

Your central air conditioner is one of the most important features there is when it comes to home comfort. In fact, it’s probably one of the biggest investments you’ve made in your home. It’s also one of the most specialized systems in your home—meaning only a trained and licensed professional should be the one to conduct repairs Continued…

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August 26, 2019

Boost Cooling Efficiency Best Ways

Fall is just around the corner, which means soon enough we’ll be able to turn off our air conditioners for another season. In the meantime though, wouldn’t it be nice if you could reduce your cooling bills? Fortunately, there is a way! Several ways, in fact. And they cost little to nothing. The bottom line Continued…

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August 12, 2019

Air Conditioner Making You Sick

Did you know your air conditioner could be introducing particles and contaminants into your home through your ductwork? “Wait,” you may be wondering, “isn’t that what the air filter is for—to prevent that from happening?” Well… not quite. A clean air filter is absolutely essential to your air conditioner, but not for the reason you may think—more Continued…

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ac systems

July 29, 2019

Ac About Call It Quits

Wouldn’t it be great if our appliances and home comfort systems lasted forever? Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case, no matter how well it is built or cared for. Your household air conditioner is no exception—it has a limited lifespan, and when it nears the end of that lifespan, it’s a good idea to have Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

July 15, 2019

Air Conditioner Hurting Health Of Air

Let’s start by saying, it’s not necessarily that your air conditioner itself is hurting the health of your air, but by its nature, it doesn’t help. The thing is, today’s homes are built with very tight construction. The reason for this is for energy efficiency—when there are no drafty areas or spots for air to escape your Continued…

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July 1, 2019

Ac Problem An Emergency

We may not have the boiling heat that other parts of the country have, but summers in Washington certainly aren’t anything to scoff at. When the temperature beings to spike, you need to know that your air conditioning system will function as it is designed to. The best way to ensure this is the case Continued…

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June 17, 2019

Noises Coming From Ac Beware

As you might imagine, summertime is the most likely season for your air conditioner to call it quits—or at the very least, start to experience operational problems. After all, it’s getting much heavier use than it does in the spring or fall. All mechanical systems accumulate wear and tear over the years. There’s good news, Continued…

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June 3, 2019

Cool Home More Efficiently

If there’s anything you’d like to know about using your air conditioner, it’s probably how to save money. How can you use your cooling system most efficiently in order to lower your energy bills, without sacrificing comfort? The good news is, in addition to scheduling routine tune-ups for your air conditioner, there are a number of low-cost Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

May 20, 2019

3 Factors Consider New Air Conditioner

Are you in the market for a new air conditioning system? Now is the best time to buy, while temperatures are mild. You have plenty of time before summer temperatures begin soaring to their highest. In other words, there’s no reason to rush your purchase! You have time to determine exactly what kind of air conditioner you Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

September 24, 2018

Neglect Your Ac End Of Summer No Time

With daytime temperatures already dipping below 70°F, you are probably using your air conditioner a lot less, if you’re still using it at all. Given that you won’t need the AC much for another couple seasons, you’re probably tempted to let any current repair needs wait until then. Why wait, though? Really … this will Continued…

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August 27, 2018

Beware Signs Need Ac Repair

Our summers may not be as hot and as long as other parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean they don’t pack a punch. For days on end, we’ve been using our air conditioners on a consistent basis, relying on it to get through every little heat wave we’ve had. Hopefully, you’ve gotten through Continued…

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August 13, 2018

When Time New , Ac

No machine or piece of equipment lasts forever, and your air conditioner is no exception. No matter how well it’s constructed or cared for, it has a limited lifespan. And when it approaches the end of that lifespan, it’s a good idea to have the system replaced before it suffers from a complete breakdown. There’s Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

July 16, 2018

Geothermal Heating Cooling System

When deciding on a new air conditioner for your home, there are many factors to consider. After all, we don’t get too much hot weather in our parts—at least, not in comparison to other parts of the country. Therefore, it makes sense that you’d like to spend as little money as possible on residential air conditioning Continued…

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ac systems

July 2, 2018

Ac Emergency What To , Do

Though any loss of cooling on one of the hottest days of the year will certainly feel urgent, in some cases there is an easy fix that may not even require the assistance of a professional. Of course, when you do need fast AC repair, we’ll be there to help! In the meantime, we’d like to Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

June 18, 2018

Which Hvac System Is Best For My Home

When you need air conditioning this summer, you’re going to need it quick. But don’t rush into any decisions just yet. You should consider which type of system will work best for you and ensure that it is installed by a professional HVAC contractor in Tacoma, WA. You can think of each system as a separate Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

June 4, 2018

Air Conditioner What Does Dirt , Do

As a homeowner, you probably do all that you can to keep your home clean. After all, a clean home is a happy home, right? This cleanliness probably involves the removal of dust from spaces like your furniture and the floor, even ceiling fans and light fixtures. But what about your air conditioning system? Just Continued…

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ac systems

May 21, 2018

Follow Tips Prevent Ac Repairs Summer

With temperatures barely approaching the high 70s, you may not be thinking about your air conditioner too much. However, soon enough you’ll be ready to switch your thermostat to cooling mode, and when that time comes you may not notice anything wrong with your air conditioner and think it’s running just fine. But, if you’ve skipped maintenance Continued…

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ac systems

May 7, 2018

How Much New Cooling System Cost

The Tacoma area never gets too terribly hot during the summer—at least, not consistently so like other parts of the country. This means we don’t tend to use our air conditioners as much as in other areas. But the fact that we use ours very little means that when they are operating, we want them to function as efficiently Continued…

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ac systems

April 9, 2018

Change Your Air Filter Why

Not many homeowners give much thought to how important an air filter is to the operation of their HVAC systems. A filter does little to protect against many of the allergens and pollutants that can aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms (for that you’ll want a high efficiency air filtration or purification system). Rather, the air Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

July 31, 2017

Ac Trouble Repair Vs Replace

For our corner of the world, summer temperatures aren’t quite as detrimental as you’d find in other parts of the country. Still though, being stuck without a cooling system on one of the hottest days of the years is never pleasant, no matter where you live. Hopefully, you had your air conditioner professionally maintained before Continued…

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July 3, 2017

Heat Pump Installed Summer

There are a number of benefits to investing in a heat pump installation in Puyallup, WA—one of the most important being that it can be used to both cool and heat your home. No, it’s not a furnace and a central air conditioner packaged together—rather, a heat pump is a two-in-one system that uses the same component for Continued…

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ac systems

June 19, 2017

Zone Control Cooling Everything Need Know

Do you worry about how much energy you use in your home throughout the year, and what the cost of that energy use is? This is understandable. It’s important to take a close look at energy expenditure in your home, but also that you know of ways to lower costs. This starts by working with professionals who Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

May 22, 2017

Avoid Midsummer Ac Problems

We may still be experiencing cooler temperatures, and in fact most of the year in the Seattle area can be considered the “heating season.” But that doesn’t mean that when summer weather does hit that we want to be stuck with a broken down air conditioner. Imagine being in the middle of a heat wave when your Continued…

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ac systems

April 10, 2017

Dirty Air Filter Affect Home

In short, yes. There’s a reason we encourage changing your air filter on a regular basis: 3 times a month during periods of heavy HVAC system use is the general recommendation. Many homeowners might assume a dirty air filter is a problem because it contaminates the indoor air. It’s somewhat true, but only minimally. The Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

March 27, 2017

Ac Maintenance Time

Our recent weather may have you wondering why we are talking about air conditioning systems, but like it or not, warmer weather is only a few short months away. And when it hits, you’ll be grateful for a fully functioning, efficient AC system. Of course, an air conditioner can only work as efficiently as it’s Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

August 15, 2016

Is It Too Late For Air Conditioning Maintenance 2

No matter what type of air conditioning system you have—a central unit, ductless system, heat pump—you want to make sure that it has the ability to cool your home efficiently and effectively, even as we near the end of summer. With temperatures still keeping us pretty warm, your air conditioner needs all the help you Continued…

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ac systems

August 8, 2016

Late Summer Tips To Keep Your Ac System In Good Shape

When it comes to preventing problems with your air conditioning system, there is no better way to do so than by scheduling routine maintenance. Ideally, you’d schedule this before the cooling season begins to ensure that your system functions efficiently and effectively all summer long. However, if you’ve skipped this appointment for any reason, it’s Continued…

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ac systems

August 1, 2016

Air Conditioning Troubles Should You Repair Or Replace

Summer presses on, and as it does you hopefully haven’t run into any problems with your air conditioner. With temperatures soaring, the last thing you want is for your AC to break down on you when you need it the most. However, if your AC system has been experiencing troubling symptoms, you might be wondering if it’s Continued…

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July 25, 2016

Why You Should Consider A Programmable Thermostat

It’s no secret that summers here require a fully functioning and efficient air conditioning system. However, just as equally important as a good air conditioner is the ability to maintain control over its use. For this reason, we recommend upgrading your thermostat to a programmable option. Keep reading to learn about the numerous benefits of Continued…

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ac systems

June 27, 2016

Is A Zone Control System Right For You

We may not live in too hot of a climate compared to some of our east coast neighbors; however summer can still pack quite the punch. Without the right kind of air conditioning system, you can definitely suffer. But when you do utilize an air conditioning system, you want to make sure you are making Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

June 6, 2016

Is It Time To Replace Your Air Conditioning System

Summer is on its way, and while we don’t necessarily experience the stifling heat that many parts of the country do, it’s still not a season you want to attempt to get through without a properly functioning air conditioning system. Now is the time to decide if your air conditioner is ready for another season Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

April 18, 2016

Are You Regularly Checking And Changing Your Air Filter

There are many things you can and should do to ensure that your HVAC system functions properly. This includes hiring a professional HVAC technician to inspect, service, and repair your unit as needed. Regular maintenance is also vital to ensuring its efficiency over its lifespan. There is one step you should be handling on your Continued…

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ac systems

April 11, 2016

Why Ice Forms On Your Air Conditioner 2

The days are starting to heat up, and you’re probably going to be using your air conditioner to keep comfortable on a regular basis if you aren’t already. As you start to use your air conditioner more and more often, the added stress may cause problems for the system as the summer wears on. One Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

March 21, 2016

How Zone Control Can Make Your Air Conditioning System Better

Summer is fast approaching, and everyone is scrambling to get their homes ready for the hottest months of the year. One popular method for preparing for summer is to schedule air conditioning maintenance. That’s a good idea, but it’s not the only one. If you have a central air conditioner installed in your home, you Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

March 14, 2016

Why You Should Get Your Air Conditioner Checked This Spring

Winter is coming to an end, and while summer is a little ways off the days are already starting to warm up. You may not be using your air conditioner on a regular basis for a little while yet, but that’s no reason to neglect it. If you want to get your home ready for Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

September 28, 2015

What To Do If Your Air Conditioner Output Drops

It’s almost time to shut down your air conditioner for the year, but we still have a few weeks of warmer weather before the fall really kicks in. That means you are probably still using your air conditioner on a regular basis, and it also means that you need to keep an eye out for Continued…

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September 21, 2015

Is It Too Late For Air Conditioning Maintenance

Fall is here, and that means it’s almost time to shut down your air conditioner for the year. If you’ve missed the opportunity to have air conditioning maintenance done earlier in the year, you may be wondering if it’s too late to do it now. The answer is “no”! It’s never too late to have Continued…

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ac systems

September 7, 2015

Why You Should Replace That Old Air Conditioner Even If Its Working

Air conditioning systems are remarkably sturdy, and can last a very long time with proper care and maintenance. Just because you can get your air conditioner to outlive you, though, that does not mean you should. Once air conditioners get to a certain age, it is a good idea to replace them even if they Continued…

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Air Conditioners Being Serviced

August 31, 2015

Common Air Conditioning Maintenance Steps

We have written about the importance of air conditioning maintenance before, but we haven’t really discussed the steps involved with it. It is important to understand at least a few of the different procedures involved with air conditioning maintenance, as it will help you understand why it is so important in the first place. With Continued…

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ac systems

August 17, 2015

Why You Should Trust Professionals To Install Your Zone Control System

A zone control system is a great way to improve your air conditioning and heating systems. It provides a much finer degree of control over your climate, especially in terms of differences from room to room. As great as a zone control system is, however, it is not a system that should ever be installed Continued…

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