In Puyallup, heating systems still depend on thermostats to gauge the temperature and tell the heater to turn on and off. Most people still think of thermostats as wired models set in one specific point in the house, and indeed such models are quite popular. But they’re not the only type of thermostat on the market. Wireless thermostats get rid of the old models where thermostats were stuck to one part of your wall and needed to be powered by electrical wires. Wireless units offer a number of tangible advantages over other types of thermostats, though as always you as the homeowner need to decide if they’re right for you.
Here’s a quick list of the benefits of wireless thermostats to your heating system:
- More accurate readings. Wired thermostats run into big trouble when they’re poorly placed. Drafts, cold sports and similar hiccups in your interior temperature can wreak havoc on your ability to effectively condition the air. Wireless thermostats make that much easier to correct. If the thermostat can read the temperature where it is, just move to somewhere where you can.
- Ease of installation. Along those lines, a wireless thermostat is very easy to install and doesn’t require the services of an electrician. You can put it together fairly easily and as long as is establishes a strong signal with the furnace, it should respond as effectively as a wired thermostat will. You
- Tailored temperatures. If you have a centralized furnace, you’ve likely experienced some frustration at your thermostat’s “one size fits all” approach to heating. If you’re too warm and someone elsewhere in the household is too col, the portable thermostat makes for an easy fix. Simply move it into the parts of the house that you’re using at the time and the temperature should work the way you need it to.
The benefits of wireless thermostats to your heating system often trump the extra cost involved, and with a reliable technician in your corner, you can set on up to function with maximum reliability. The Puyallup heating systems specialists like the ones at Sound Heating can help. Give us a call today and let us show you what we can do!